Monday, July 01, 2002

So I face the final curtain
So that’s it, my first year at Uni is over already. I honestly can’t believe it because it seems to have gone so quickly. To think, this time last year I had only just finished my A-levels and was about to go on holiday to Ibiza. It really doesn’t seem like a year ago and I guess it shows you should enjoy things while they last. Looking back, I had a good year at Uni and I’m really glad I chose York. I made so many new friends and have such good memories. Being in halls was great and I’ll think I’ll really miss it next year when I’m living off-campus. I also can’t believe that this time last year I didn’t know any of my friends from Uni and yet now some of them are my best friends and I feel like I’ve known them for years. I guess living in each other’s pockets helps but even so, it’s frightening to think how different things could have been. I’m also glad that I chose Politics, because although it hasn’t been a laugh-a-minute, it’s been pretty much what I expected and, to be honest, probably easier than I thought as well. I got all my first choice-modules for the second and third years, and I’m really looking forward to some of them. I got my results back for the exams I took when I went back. I got 57% and 56% respectively, and, when I first saw them, I was really disappointed, but when I looked at everyone else’s results they were actually about average so that wasn’t too bad. I also did a group project where we had to do a half-hour presentation that got video-taped and I got 71% for that, which pleased me greatly. Afterwards, we watched the video of our presentation where our tutors analysed our performances, and mine said I was a really good speaker and could communicate with an audience well. Who’s the daddy?!

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