Saturday, March 31, 2001

Well, this is my first blog entry in almost 2 weeks so I apologise for that. However, I don’t really have anything new to report. I did complete Final Fantasy IX (finally!) and it only took 6 weeks and 60 hours game time. Now that’s what I call longevity and value for money in a game. Although for me it was probably a little bit too much. I guess you can’t please everyone.

I’m very excited about this weekend, not only because I’m not working tomorrow but also because Sunday night/Monday morning is the climax of the wrestling calendar – Wrestlemania. I love wrestling. Sure it’s fake and the results are predetermined but I just find it so entertaining. The main event on Sunday is Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock and I just can’t see Austin losing. Well, I can’t see Austin losing cleanly anyway. The Rock really needs to win this match to further his career whereas Austin has already reached the pinnacle. Also The Rock has lost in the last 2 Wrestlemania main events (one of them to Austin cleanly) so I think it’s time for some payback.

On the education front I sent off my final UCAS form thingy and my first choice is York University and my second Lancaster. Warwick was good but various outside factors swung me towards York and hopefully that’s where I’ll be going. Now I only have 4 weeks of college left (with Easter sandwiched in between) and then it’s the barren wasteland that is the A-level exams. From now until the end of June it’s revision, revision, and more revision.

That’s about it really.

Monday, March 19, 2001

This is my first post in round about a week (maybe more) so I thought I best put something up. Not really much to report, I’m still playing Final Fantasy IX (I reckon another 2-3 weeks before I finish it) and I’m still working at Partners. College is running smoothly as per usual with the impending exams on the horizon but there’s still plenty of time to prepare.

On the future front, I visited York University last Wednesday and I was very impressed. You see this presents a slight dilemma for me. Originally I had my heart set on Warwick and I only visited York to see what it was like. They’re both asking for the same grades (ABB), they’re both campuses, they’re both a similar distance from where I live and they both have very good reputations so it’s a difficult choice. York has a reputation for being a Uni where Oxbridge rejects go but that wouldn’t bother me too much so at the moment I’m leaning towards York. I’ll keep all you faithful readers posted (well, all 3 of you and you know who you are too!)

Well, time to go do stuff.

Sunday, March 11, 2001

Why do I never update this blog? Maybe it’s because nothing ever happens to me…

Monday, March 05, 2001

I’m back for a quick blog but as usual there’s not a great deal to say and I have better things to do (can’t think of any right now, but I assure you they exist…) I bought a PlayStation game a couple of weeks ago called Final Fantasy IX. For gaming aficionados this is a big event as the Final Fantasy series epitomise why games are so great. They have great storyline, likeable characters, amazing graphics and a longevity unmatched by most other games. For instance, the average time to complete Final Fantasies VII and VIII is thought to be around 60 to 70 hours. Compare that to the 3-5 hour stints of the Resident Evil series and Metal Gear Solid and you begin to get an idea of the scope of these games.

They’re often criticised for being too linear as you don’t actually get to do that much. It’s essentially get from A to B, talk to a few people and then fight some tiresome and annoying random battles. But Final Fantasy IX is the closest you’re going to get on the PlayStation to an interactive movie. You get caught up in the character’s lives and it really is a matter of life and death. It’s games like these that make playing computer games worth the money, time and effort. I’ve had it about 3 weeks now and I’ve already put in a good 30 hours on it, and I’ve only just started the third disc…

Apart from that I haven’t been upto much. No really, I haven’t done anything. My life has consisted of get up, go to college and think about Final Fantasy, come home and play Final Fantasy, go to bed and dream about Final Fantasy. Repeat. So until I complete it (hopefully within a couple of weeks) my meager existence will continue to be dominated by the trials and tribulations of Zidane and co.