Monday, July 01, 2002

The Return
Sorry about the extended delay in bloggage, I’m trying to think of an excuse but it’s really down to sheer laziness. As I type this now I am currently at home enjoying my return for the summer holidays. Despite plans to originally stay in York over the summer in my house whilst working up there, things didn’t quite work out and now I’m back at home. We had this careers convention at Uni and I went to it and signed up to a job agency but all they offered me was 2 days silver service in the middle of July – yep, 2 days work. I politely declined. So now I’m at home, with no money and in desperate need of a job. I could go back to the fairground, and I probably will if I haven’t found anything within in a couple of weeks, but I’d really prefer not to. The fairground was okay, but the hours are long and the people you have to deal with… [shudders]. I saw an advert in the local paper asking specifically for university students for a job at an art studio (nude modelling perhaps?) so I might give it a ring and ask for some more information. At the moment, I’m paying £46 a week rent so I really need to get some money, not only to pay the rent, but also to save up for the rest of the year.

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