Thursday, March 20, 2003

Quote of the Day
"This is simply a warning shot across the bows of the Iraqi leadership" - Foreign Secretary Geoff Hoon describes today's attacks on Iraq

War War War, Jaw Jaw Jaw
War in Iraq is upon us today. Could today be a momentous day in history? The overthrowing of the evil dictator Saddam Hussein? Or merely the beginning of World War III? Sadly, only time will tell. I am against the war without a second UN resolution, however, I realise that Mr. Tony Blair believes he is doing what is best for the UK. Bush on the other hand, well, I'm not so sure what his reasons are, but jingoism aside, he hasn't properly explained himself. But who am I to disagree?

This war is wrong. It did not need to happen; it is unnecessary and was avoidable. There was still time; there were other ways and reasonable alternatives. But they were not honestly explored. In the mad, maddening rush to arms, the point of last resort was not reached. The case was not made; indeed, the wider international and domestic argument was lost. As US and British forces moved to forward battle positions last night and Iraq's civilian population sought shelter before the approaching storm, it was clear that those political leaders who set this conflict in train now carry an enormous responsibility. The responsibility is all the greater since it is by no means clear that it is fortified by international law, morality, logic or common sense.

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