Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Sorry about my extended absence but I've been a little distracted recently, which I'll fill you in on soon.

And now for something completely different

Murphy's Laws
- Nothing is as easy as it looks.
- To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.
- Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
- Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.
- Two wrongs are only the beginning.
-If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.
- Nothing is as easy as it looks.
- Every solution breeds new problems..
- If there is a worse time for something to go wrong, it will happen then..
- If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
- Exceptions prove the rule ... and wreck the budget.
- Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
- It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
- If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.
- Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
- Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
- Trust everybody ... then cut the cards.
- Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
- Everything takes longer than you think..
- Two wrongs are only the beginning.
- Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
- The best things in the world are free --- and worth every penny of it.
- Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.
- Nice guys(girls) finish last.
- If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
- Availability is a function of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else.

Dancing Bush - a website where you can make George Bush strut his stuff
Frog Guts - dissect a frog online. Go on, you know you want to
Stupid Quotes - hilarious quotes that are plain stupid

Quote of the Day
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Needle in a Haystack
I’ve spent the last week doing pretty much what I intended to do: bugger all. However, I’m now at the point where I’ll admit that I’m bored. Yep, you heard me, I’m bored. Much as I enjoy sitting about the house all day doing nothing and sitting in the garden when the weather’s nice, I need to be doing something. Anything. And of course, the most productive and practical thing I could be doing would of course be working. I’ve sent some letters and CVs off to various places but still no luck. Apparently ASDA (a supermarket chain) are looking for people so that’s always an option, and they supposedly pay quite well too, so I might pop in and ask for an application form. The thing is, I want someone to phone me up and say “Hey Alex, we love you, why don’t you come and work for us? You don’t have to do anything and we’ll give you shit-loads of money!” Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. So instead, I have to trawl through the local papers and look for something, anything, that suits me. Hell, I’ll do anything that isn’t at a fairground. It’s a thankless life. I keep thinking I should buy a lottery ticket, it’s a 1 in 14,000,000 chance but you never know.

Where do I go from here?
I feel that I’ve reached a cross-roads in my life. I went for a walk on the sand dunes before and I found myself reviewing the last couple of years of my life. I realise that the next 2 years are set for me because I’ve got to finish my degree, but after that I’ll be into the big wide world all on my own. I really don’t know what direction my life is heading in at the moment and I feel quite uncertain about things. I just don’t know if I feel ready to “grow up” and become an adult. I’m 19 now but I feel I’m growing up just a little too fast. I want to be able to just have fun more, not worry about money, just let loose once in a while. Instead, I’m thinking about when my next rent payment goes out and what furniture I’m going to buy for my house.
Minority Report
Went to see it on Wednesday. I thought it was good, but not brilliant. Great special effects, decent acting, and the script was quite good too. But I felt just something was missing that stopped this being a great movie. Tom Cruise was excellent, and generally Spielberg handled the material well, including his typical touchy-feeling ending, but still, I felt there was just some intangible lacking. I’d recommend it because it is a good film, and unlike most blockbusters, it actually makes you think. Perhaps this was bad, but I couldn’t help comparing it to AI (another futuristic film, also done by Spielberg in part) and I really don’t know which I preferred. I thought AI was brilliant, a sublime film ruined by a “nice” ending. Minority Report is a merely good, but not ruined by its nice ending. Hmm, too much thinking, need more caffeine.

Quote of the Day
There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but only one view” - Harry Millner

Monday, July 01, 2002

The Return
Sorry about the extended delay in bloggage, I’m trying to think of an excuse but it’s really down to sheer laziness. As I type this now I am currently at home enjoying my return for the summer holidays. Despite plans to originally stay in York over the summer in my house whilst working up there, things didn’t quite work out and now I’m back at home. We had this careers convention at Uni and I went to it and signed up to a job agency but all they offered me was 2 days silver service in the middle of July – yep, 2 days work. I politely declined. So now I’m at home, with no money and in desperate need of a job. I could go back to the fairground, and I probably will if I haven’t found anything within in a couple of weeks, but I’d really prefer not to. The fairground was okay, but the hours are long and the people you have to deal with… [shudders]. I saw an advert in the local paper asking specifically for university students for a job at an art studio (nude modelling perhaps?) so I might give it a ring and ask for some more information. At the moment, I’m paying £46 a week rent so I really need to get some money, not only to pay the rent, but also to save up for the rest of the year.
So I face the final curtain
So that’s it, my first year at Uni is over already. I honestly can’t believe it because it seems to have gone so quickly. To think, this time last year I had only just finished my A-levels and was about to go on holiday to Ibiza. It really doesn’t seem like a year ago and I guess it shows you should enjoy things while they last. Looking back, I had a good year at Uni and I’m really glad I chose York. I made so many new friends and have such good memories. Being in halls was great and I’ll think I’ll really miss it next year when I’m living off-campus. I also can’t believe that this time last year I didn’t know any of my friends from Uni and yet now some of them are my best friends and I feel like I’ve known them for years. I guess living in each other’s pockets helps but even so, it’s frightening to think how different things could have been. I’m also glad that I chose Politics, because although it hasn’t been a laugh-a-minute, it’s been pretty much what I expected and, to be honest, probably easier than I thought as well. I got all my first choice-modules for the second and third years, and I’m really looking forward to some of them. I got my results back for the exams I took when I went back. I got 57% and 56% respectively, and, when I first saw them, I was really disappointed, but when I looked at everyone else’s results they were actually about average so that wasn’t too bad. I also did a group project where we had to do a half-hour presentation that got video-taped and I got 71% for that, which pleased me greatly. Afterwards, we watched the video of our presentation where our tutors analysed our performances, and mine said I was a really good speaker and could communicate with an audience well. Who’s the daddy?!
19 and counting
It was also my birthday last week and I reached the age of 19. My corridor bought me Predator Special Edition DVD (which was greatly appreciated!), as well as a stress boob (like a stress ball, except it’s a breast) and a blow-up doll! Unfortunately the blow-up doll didn’t have any holes in so I couldn’t use it to… er… store things in but it’s supposed to be the perfect girlfriend that doesn’t talk back so I guess in that capacity it works pretty well. Speaking of which, I am still single, so keep that fan mail coming. I must confess, I am actually enamoured with somebody but it ain’t going anywhere so I’m open to all offers.

My parents got me a PS2 game (Medal of Honor) for my birthday as well as a bit of money to ease my overdraft and everyone else gave me money too, which is greatly appreciated. I had my birthday whilst still at Uni and we all went out for a meal, which was nice, before getting drunk. My parents offered to come up and see but I really didn’t want them to and it was only a week before I came home anyway.
I went to see Spider-Man last week and I really enjoyed it. I wasn’t expecting it to be absolutely amazing but I didn’t think it would be awful either. Thankfully, it exceeded my expectations. One of the best things about it for me was that it stayed very true to the comics (except for Spider-Man firing web out of his wrists – in the comics he makes the webbing himself, this is something that was left in from James Cameron’s original screenplay of a few years ago when he wanted Leonardo di Caprio to play Spider-Man!). When I first heard Tobey Maguire was to play Spider-Man, I was initially disappointed because I didn’t think he’d be able to play the role well. After watching it, I thought he was perfect for the role and he really surprised me. Apparently, he had to do 6 months intensive working out to build his body for the role but it paid off as he looked (and sounded) great. Kirsten Dunst was also a good choice to play Mary-Jane Watson, and Willem DeFoe rounded off a good cast as Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin. It was also nice to see former WWF superstar Macho Man Randy Savage in there, along with Sam Raimi’s old Evil Dead pal, Bruce Campbell, in cameo roles. Contracts have already been signed to make 2 sequels, and hopefully they’ll be able to surpass this film, which was really just a scene-setter, and a way to introduce the characters and the world of Spider-Man. Some of the CGI in this film has been criticised and I guess in parts there is a bit of the “George Lucas syndrome” – too much reliance on computer generated special effects. One scene in particular just looked completely fake and reminded me of a fight scene in Blade 2 where it was blatantly obvious that it wasn’t real actors. Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed Spider-Man and can’t wait for the inevitable sequel.
World Cup Extra
The World Cup’s over now and Brazil won thank God, because I really didn’t want Germany to win it. England probably could have won it had they beaten Brazil but they didn’t. Bygones. They can win Euro 2004 and possibly the next World Cup so it’s not all bad. I thought they had a good World Cup – they got further than France and Argentina – conversely they didn’t get as far as South Korea. I guess you can’t have it all (unless you’ve got buck-teeth and the most ridiculous haircut known to man).

Quote of the Day
Cannot find REALITY.SYS… Universe halted” - Anon