Sunday, April 28, 2002

Dave's Inferno
Okay, well it's been over a week since I last posted so sorry about that. Not a great deal has happened to me this week since I've been revising for my exams and there's nothing organised at Uni for the first week of term. I had my 2 exams on Thursday and yesterday (having an exam on Saturday is not good) and they went alright. The one on Thursday was the one I thought was the easiest of the 2 but actually turned out to be harder. Yesterday's exam gave me some pretty sweet questions, especially the one that I actually did my essay on. I just rewrote it in the exam so that was good and the other 2 questions I did were okay as well, although one of them I was doing some major blagging on. I'm just glad they're over and hopefully I'll do alright in them but they're not particularly important so it doesn't matter that much.

Other than that I got this term's timetable and it's much better than last term's. I only have one morning start which is good but a couple of late finishes. I guess you can't have the best of both worlds. I also joined the campus gym and went for my induction on Friday which was pretty basic stuff but important nonetheless. That really is all I have to say because I really haven't done much this week. I went out on Thursday and again last night but nothing special.

I'll try and post again with something more interesting to say soon.

Friday, April 19, 2002

Return of the Jedi
Following on from my post the other day, hopefully this will get published today (Friday) albeit in small parts because of stupid blogger. Anyway, to update you all on my 5 week Easter break, I’ll start off by telling you all about my dire financial situation and new-found wealth. When I got back for Easter I checked my bank balance and found I was £230 overdrawn which was a lot worse than I had expected. Although my parents owed me £200 for the deposit on my house next year, I was still theoretically £30 in debt with the next 5 weeks to get through. Sadly, I needed a job. I had a look in my local paper and noticed that the fairground were heavily advertising part-time jobs and I knew Robin worked there so I thought I’d ask him what it was like. Not only did he tell me what it was like but he also got me a job with him. What a guy.

I am The Game
My job was on the game stalls (you know, having to get a ball in a basket or knocking bottles down, that sort of thing) which is relatively straightforward. Also, because I’m 18 I was on a whopping £4.10 an hour (suck on that Partners) which I was very pleased with. Over the two weeks that the fair was open over Easter I worked most of it and a couple of weekends afterwards. Although it’s pretty easy, (really all you have to do is give out prizes and keep an eye on the games) it’s very tiring and you have to deal with loads of idiots. It’s tiring because the hours can be quite long (an average day is 10.30am – 9pm) but that’s good because you get more money (which I desperately needed). I enjoyed working there, everyone was really nice to me and I made quite a few new friends including some very attractive young women. I can go back in the summer to work full-time and I’m leaning towards it but I may still have a look around for something else when I come back in the summer because ideally I’d like to work in an office of some description.
Basically, thanks to working and the money my parents owed me, I not only cleared my overdraft (yeh!) but gave myself a surplus which I immediately wasted on alcohol, Wipeout Fusion and 4 DVDs. I had been intending to buy some new clothes but alas, my money has now all gone. I also set up my standing order for the rent on my house next year. I’m paying £200 a month for my house starting on July 1st and I probably won’t even move in until the end of September. What that means is I’m paying £600 for 3 months rent when I won’t even be there. D’oh. It’s not like that’s unusual with student housing though so I shouldn’t complain. If I’ve said any of this before (and somehow I think I might have) then sorry but I can’t remember if I’ve explained all this or not. Over the summer I really need a job, not only to keep up with my rent but to save some up for bills and utilities as well. I worked out that if I paid for everything on my student loan, I’d have about £2 a week left to spend on drink and entertainment. Stable income is a necessity, not a luxury.

The Infamous D’lo Brown
Regular readers will know that I am obsessed infatuated a big fan of WWF wrestler D’lo Brown. So it was to my delight that with the WWF’s recent roster split brand extension that D’lo was put on Ric Flair’s RAW roster and has since wrestled a couple of house shows and been on Jakked. Not long now until a monumental feud for the World Title surely. It’s good to hear he’s back (without the frog splash though – that’s the preserve of Eddy Guerrero and Rob Van Dam) and fingers crossed he’s in line for some sort of push. They’re not doing much with the European Title at the moment and since D’lo is a 4 (5?) time champion perhaps they should start there. Also, whilst on the subject of wrestling, I won tickets to see The Scorpion King at the cinema, starring The Rock, and I go to see it tonight. Based on preliminary reports, the film is what most expect it to be (mindless action) and The Rock is a lot better than most predicted. The comparisons with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the next big action hero are inevitable. (N.B. Arnie and The Rock are very good friends in real life so you never know, one day we could see them on celluloid together)
Back for Good
I go back to Uni on Sunday and I’m only half looking forward to it. I say “half” because I’ve got exams the first week back for which I haven’t done nearly enough work and because I’ve also got used to being at home again. It’s weird because I didn’t particularly want to come home for Easter but after having been here for a sizeable period of time, I don’t particularly want to go back. I could quite easily spend another couple of weeks sat at home doing nothing all day. Oh well, I’m sure once I get back I won’t even remember what home looks like. Anyway, I’ll try and post again next week, before my first exam. See you in York.

Quote of the Day
We all know that we have to put up with a bad government when it is bad; the problem is to find a good government” - Jean Jaques Rousseau

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Hopefully, this will be my first successful post in 4 weeks. Although I've been lazy and haven't done much (attempted) posting I have at least tried a couple of times but blogger seems to have problems working with my computer and it never lets me post. I apologise for this but it isn't entirely my fault. I've so much to say yet it all eludes me now. I go back to Uni on Sunday and have my dreaded exams next week (for which I have done hardly any work) and I got a job over Easter thanks to Robin at the fairground to pay off my overdraft which I succesfully did. In fact, I have a slight surplus. Also, I won tickets to see "The Scorpion King" at the cinema on Friday so I'm looking forward to that. Watched Blade 2 as well, was nowhere near as good as the original. Anyway, this is all I have time for now. I'll try and do something a little more substantial before the weekend.