Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Recent Developments
Well, I'll start off by apologising for not updating my blog for so long. It's just been a combination of things really rather than anything in particular. I always intend to make a post but something always gets in the way whether it be laziness, the call of alcohol or someone nosey sat next to me. Anyway, moving on.

Making Films is Easy
I've been spending lots of time with the Cinematography Society recently and I've made 2 films in the last couple of weeks. The first one was called "Boy Meets Girl" and although I was only an extra it was a great laugh filming it. We had to go to a local club (during the day) Ikon & Diva to do some filming and basically all I had to do was stand in the background and pretend to dance. What made it fun was the free alcohol! We started drinking at 2, finished filming at 5 and came back to Uni. But instead of stopping drinking then I thought it best to carry on and went down to the bar. By 11pm I was paralytic pretty wasted and can't even remember going to bed. I really don't know how much I had to drink but when I woke up at about 3am to go to the toilet I was still drunk. The next morning I felt absolutely abysmal and I guess the moral of the story is "never go on a 9 hour bender". Good advice.

Then last weekend, the Cinematography Society decided to do something special and somebody suggested a few weeks ago doing a 48-hour project. Basically the writing of a script can take weeks, plus filming and editing, which means making a film, even a small one, can be a lengthy process. Well, we were going to try and write, film, edit and premiere a short movie in one weekend. And by God, did we do it! I had serious reservations about our success but we managed it. Admittedly, the film only lasted about 8 minutes but what was so gratifying was that all of us were involved in every aspect of the production - writing, acting, editing. We spent all of Saturday morning writing the script and then the rest of Saturday and Sunday morning filming. All of the editing was done on Sunday afternoon and then the film was premiered in my bar on Sunday evening. My acting, was, as always, immaculate and so far an incredible one person has asked me for my autograph (albeit she was a friend and only joking). But making films can be relatively straightforward if everyone is working towards a common goal. I know 2 people who are applying to film school and I think it would be such an amazing experience to do.

House Hunting
As a first year at Uni I get to live on campus which is great as I'm right next to the bar and I don't have to go far for lectures. Next year however, all first years have to move out and find a house nearby. To that end, the last week I've been frantically ringing landlords up and asking them if they have a house available. The Uni publishes a housing list so you just look through that and find the contact details of a landlord whose property you're interested in. Today, I had a look round 2 houses and the first one was okay, not great, but the second one was really nice. We said we'd take it there and then and we just need to sign the contract on Friday. I'm moving in with Tom, Hannah and Laura, all people down my corridor. It's a good mix with 2 girls and 2 boys plus it won't feel like it's crowded. The house is terraced with one bedroom downstairs and 3 upstairs (typical student house really). The rent is £46 a week which for York is about average. However, because I'll be paying my rent out of my student loan and the others are getting their parents to pay it for them (lucky buggers) it means I'll be much more strapped for cash next year. On top of the rent we'll have bills and a television license to pay so I'll really be scrimping for money. Hopefully, I'll get a ridiculously well-paid job over the summer (yeah, right) and I'll be loaded by the time I get back to Uni. Here's hoping.

Other Matters
They're pretty much the main things that have happened to me recently. I'm full-swing back into my course now and I've finished reading J. S. Mill's "On Liberty". It was interesting but hard-going and I think I need to read it again to fully grasp everything he was saying. We're doing ethics in Philosophy at the moment and that's so interesting. Today our lecturer tied in what we've been doing with the war in Afghanistan and some of the things he said made sense. He was basically asking whether it was morally right for so many civilians to be killed during the attacks on the Taliban as between October 7th and December 7th something like 3,500 civilians have been killed due to the war. What's interesting was the lecturer's point that during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre, they were attacking what America stood for and the civilian casualties were just a consequence of that attack, and during the war in Afghanistan the American attacks were on the Taliban and Al Quaeda and the civilian casualties were just a consequence of those attacks. So, was the American action justified or are Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld and co. just as bad as Bin Laden and Omar? I think the attacks were justified but it's an intriguing point of view. Certainly something to consider, especially in light of the recent furore over the treatment of Taliban prisoners.

United all the Way
I could talk about how great Ruud van Nistelrooy is and how United are back in the title race but after last night's performance I don't think I want to. I knew they'd lose to Liverpool.

The world of the WWF has become very exciting recently with the news that they may be signing all 3 of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan. I think this could be either great or very bad for the WWF depending on how they're handled.

That's all for now, hopefully more at the weekend.

Quote of the Day
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. - J. S. Mill

Saturday, January 19, 2002

Ok, so I promised I would update more and I haven't. Well, I've been pretty busy these first two weeks (ok, so the first week I didn't do anything but details details). I swear I will do a proper update tomorrow or in the next couple of days. Loads to talk about, I promise.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

I gotta get through this
Ah, it's great to be back at Uni. Complete freedom, nothing to do. I got my timetable for this term and it's not too bad, pretty similar to last term actually. Thankfully I only have one 9:15 instead of 2 and no 5:15 tutorials. Woo! However, I had to buy all the books for my course and that set me back £50 (thank God for the student loan). To be fair, last term I spent £90 on textbooks so I really shouldn't complain but it's just that the money could have been put to better use on something like alcohol or seducing women. But anyway, I'm doing some J. S. Mill, Immanuel Kant and Jean Jaques Rousseau this term so that should be fun. Interestingly enough, though I haven't been able to confirm this (nor would I want to) but my old Politics teacher told me that Jean Jaques Roussea wrote an entire book about male masturbation. Hey, don't shoot the messenger!

In other news, well there really isn't any. This week I don't do anything while some poor souls have exams to do. It was great to get back to my corridor because I really missed everyone. Living with 9 strangers for a short while, you kind of get close to them and it's strange not being around them. I'm not sure whether home is "home" or at Uni. Or the WWF. But anyway, since I'm really doing virtually nothing all day at the moment, I'll leave you all in peace. Please keep leaving me your comments, they're much appreciated.

Sunday, January 06, 2002

Back to Wonderland
Hey everyone, I'm back at Uni now and this is my first of many regular posts. Not much to say at the moment except a thank you to my esteemed friend and colleague, Mr. Solid_Ichelma (Mike). Without him this blog would just be a twinkle in my eye. I promise to repay you in some shape or form one day. But nothing unsavoury.

I'll be back with more soon. Don't go away.

Saturday, January 05, 2002

Be my sadistic co-worker
After months of ignoring the trend, comments have been installed! You can now easily reply to Al's posts, or at least until the popularity of YACCS outways the available bandwith (like the other free systems).

Anyway, maximum respect to YACCS and to Popdog for recommending the service.
How could I forget?
Of course, I need to add England's 5-1 THRASHING of Germany to the highs of last year.

Friday, January 04, 2002

New Year New Year
Another year has been and gone. It’s 2002 already. New Year’s eve saw me going into town and just generally getting drunk with some friends. To be honest, it wasn’t really much different to a typical night out but it was the end of a year and everybody was merry. I’m looking forward to 2002 and hoping that it is a year in which everybody can go on to do what they’ve always dreamed of and find happiness. Last year for me was generally a good year, but I think that for most people, with September 11th and everything, it is a year they will never forget. The shadow of terrorism and instability that came in the aftermath of that horrific tragedy will live on in the memories of many people for years to come. 2002 represents a fresh start for everybody – a clean slate – so let’s all try and make a real go of things.

Testing my Resolve
Well I haven’t written any new year resolutions in stone or anything, but there are a couple of things I would like to do:

1. Lose weight – yep, this year I’m determined to finally make a real effort and get in shape. It’s not like I’m a complete slob and never do any exercise and eat junk food all the time or anything (well, maybe sometimes), but I sure could do with a healthier lifestyle

2. Blog more – whilst at Uni I hardly blogged at all. Although I didn’t get a computer at Christmas, I’ve decided that I’m going to make an effort to blog more. I might only be posting once a week but surely that’s better than once a term

3. Read more – ever since I can remember I’ve always read a lot but in recent years, probably due to academic commitments more than anything, I’ve hardly read at all. Well I’ve decided I want to get back into reading regularly, if only to break up all the reading of textbooks I’m doing! I’m starting with the Harry Potter series and inevitably I’ll move on to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. God, I’m such a sheep

4. Live life to the max! – I just generally want to improve myself as a person. How do I do this? Your guess is as good as mine is but I’m going to start by working hard and playing hard. I want to treat people as I want to be treated myself and just be nice to people and make more friends, join more societies etc. I think you know what I’m getting at

So, do I have a chance of achieving (any?) of these resolutions? Maybe.

A Space Odyssey
Right, I was thinking about my personal 2001 and what happened and I thought about some of the good things and some of the bad things that happened:

- Getting a PlayStation2
- Getting 3 A’s in my A-level exams
- Going to Uni, loving it and making loads of new friends
- Manchester United winning the league for the third time in a row
- Turning 18
- Watching “Apoclaypse Now Redux” and “Fellowship of the Ring” at the cinema
- Leaving work
- Never having to go to another goddam boring 3-hour Governor’s meeting again
- Going to Ibiza on holiday and getting a kick-ass tan

- September 11th (even though I wasn’t directly affected by it, I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling I felt as I watched the pictures unfolding on TV)
- Getting a B in my Politics A-level
- Andy Cole leaving Manchester United
- The Rock only being in “The Mummy Returns” for like for the first 5 minutes
- Leaving work
- Not getting onto the Derwent JCRC at Uni

So based on that list I’d say all-in-all 2001 was a pretty good year for me. If one of the worst things that happened to me last year was The Rock only being in his first film for the opening sequence, then surely I must be doing okay. I’m sure I’m missing some things out, both good and bad, but they’re the only ones that spring to my immediate memory.

Something to Look Forward to
Here’s what I’m looking forward to in 2002:

- Star Wars: Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones
- Spiderman: The Movie
- The Scorpion King starring The Rock
- Metal Gear Solid 2 (PlayStation2)
- Final Fantasy X (PlayStation2)
- Seeing the world premiere of my first feature film, “Fear”, made by York Uni Cinematography Society
- An exciting title race in the Premiership for a change
- The World Cup (Come on England!!!)
- D’lo Brown’s long heralded return to the primary roster of the WWF
- Becoming WWF champion
- Moving into my own house for the second year of Uni

Okay, nothing particularly earth shattering there granted, but for me if I can get to see or experience half of those things then surely I’ll be able to look back and say “not a bad year”.

Happy Birthday!
This wonderful little blog is now just over one year old. My very first post was tapped out on 31st December 2000 and reading through it I noticed that the title I called my blog, “The Secret World of an Average Guy”, was only temporary in my mind until I could think of something better. Well, as you can tell I couldn’t think of anything better. No, only joking. I’ve stuck with it because I think it’s relatively applicable (I’d say I’m fairly average apart from the exceptional good lucks and ridiculously oversized peni… er, brain) although my world isn’t so secret if you’re reading this! So, happy birthday to my blog. Of course, none of it would be possible if it weren’t for Mike to make it all happen and give me sexual favours encouragement and inspiration. Forever, I am indebted. And it’s down to him for the snazzy new design too. If only I could have comments… (nudge nudge wink wink)

Now all the sentimental crap is out of the way we can get down to business. It’s Friday today and I go back to Uni on Sunday. It’s been great to come home for a couple of weeks, get all my washing and cooking done for me and see all my friends from college, but I can’t wait to get back to York. Maybe I just prefer the independent lifestyle and can’t stand being moaned at by my parents for staying in bed all day or leaving dirty plates lying around the kitchen. That never happens at Uni! So it’ll be another 10 weeks away home for me and more chances to kill of my liver once and all with alcohol. Ah, I can’t wait.

On a completely unrelated note I bought a TV reception booster yesterday from Currys for £20 so I’m hoping it will the reception in my room at Uni and actually make at least one channel watchable. It makes a difference in my room at home so I’m confident it will have the desired effect. I also bought some new trainers that were reduced from £40 to £15. I didn’t need new trainers but you know, you need a bit of variety in life. This week I also caved in and bought the boxset of “The Mummy” (which doesn’t feature The Rock) and “The Mummy Returns” (which does). “The Scorpion King” looks good from the trailer and will probably be the best film to star a wrestler until “D’lo Brown: The Movie” comes out. Probably.

I’m not sure if I’ll post again before I go back but if I don’t I’ll try and make a post as soon as I can from Uni. Until next time everyone. Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Quote of the Day
A good Media essay features Madonna or goats but not both combined in the same sentence.” - Michael Dale

[don't's only me again, posting for al]

Tuesday, January 01, 2002