Friday, August 31, 2001

The Green Mile
Today it has been nice and sunny which makes a periodic change to the typical grey-sky and drizzle we seem to be getting a lot of recently. August is usually Britain’s best month of the year, well not this year. It’s been more akin to a February or December. But hey if you want a tan there’s always sunbeds. It’s just nice to be able to sit in the garden, sunshine and killer UV rays washing over your toned body whilst listening to a tune on your personal stereo and reading a good book. Ah, bliss. But with British weather you only get that opportunity once in a blue moon. And I don’t ever recall seeing a blue moon.

Women: can’t live with ‘em. Period.
Ah yes, the female of the species. We men love them (some of the time). On TV this morning before I went to work there was a debate on whether it is easier for men to go and talk to strange women or women to go and talk to strange men. On the bus to work I mulled this over in my mind (yep, I’m a deep and profligate guy, what can I say?). Obviously I can only speak from personal experience as a male as I’ve never been a female (at least, not that I can remember, but then again you never know what can happen when alcohol is involved…) But anyway, talking to strange women. For those of you that don’t know, I work in a shop. Not a particularly cool or trendy shop but it sees a lot of customers. Perhaps one of the best aspects of working in a shop is that you quite often get to check out babes, er, admire beautiful girls when you serve them or show them where something is in the shop. However, many a time I have thought to myself “ooh, she’s nice, I’d love to take her out for a drink sometime” but how do you do it?

The Route to Success
What do you say to a girl you’re interested in that you’ve never met before? “That’ll be £4.62, your receipt is in the bag and by the way, can I have your phone number?” Hmm, not exactly romantic. If you’re out in a club or for a drink then things are a little easier because generally alcohol is a potent aphrodisiac and usually people in those situations are looking to meet new people. But in a shop? Come on, not many people meet their next hot date over a shop counter (well, except in my case maybe). For women though is it any easier? If they saw a cute guy in a shop or walking down the street what can they do? I have no idea. If I ever wolf whistled at a nice girl walking down the street I’d probably get a dirty look and a slap in the face rather than the pined after meal, drinks and romantic walk by the sea in shimmering moonlight. This whole dating relationship malarkey is a lot of work. Is it worth the effort, embarrassment, shame, humiliation etc? I sure hope so, certainly for when I make an ass of myself by pinching a girls bottom in a shop. (Hey, that was a joke OK? I’m not that sort of guy. Honest. But maybe it would be a good way to start a conversation…)

The Auld Enemy
Back to more important matters and football. Tomorrow sees England play Germany in a much over-hyped match that will make or break England’s chances of qualifying for the World Cup automatically. England vs. Germany I guess it all goes back to the whole “the 2 World Wars were all their fault” argument and then subsequent victory in the World Cup of ’66 and heartbreak in 1970, 1990 and 1996. The English press like to build this game up as some sort of titanic clash that has the whole nation on tenterhooks. I guess it’s true in a way but mainly for football fans. My mum for instance doesn’t give a toss who comes out on top as long as it doesn’t interfere with the scheduling of Coronation Street. But alas, I may not be able to watch it as tomorrow represents a staff night out for my work due to me and 2 other girls leaving. Hmm, dilemma. Do I go out for the meal, have a few drinks, laugh and joke, flirt with my work mates or do I sit at home on the edge of my seat, nervously biting my nails, desperately hoping that England win? Only time will tell but since I’m one of the people leaving I guess I really ought to go. Come on England, give those Germans/Krauts/Nazis the stuffing they deserve! [The preceding comment was in no way intended to be racist, insulting or derogatory towards German people and their football team and was in no way serious. Well, not much anyway]

Quote of the Day
Politics – the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.” – Oscar Ameringer
Stupid blogger

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Little River Band
And so another uneventful few days has passed me by and my bank balance is being whittled down further on necessities such as new trainers, McDonalds and alcohol. I’m feeling very tired right now but fortunately the weather is good so things aren’t too bad. I have only 6 weeks left until I start University and over the summer I have done very little. Nay, I have done nothing. Apart from working, I haven’t done anything of note except go to Ibiza for a week (with my parents) and get my A-level results. The days have been spent lazing around, sunbathing at every opportunity and just generally wasting time. Ah, to be a teenager.

Come Sail with Me
My parents have gone away for the week and this time my older sister has gone with them leaving me all alone and fending for myself. But it’ll be good practice for Uni. What is good is that I have hooked up my PlayStation2 to our 32-ich widescreen TV downstairs and believe me, games and DVDs look much better on a big screen. I guess it’s true what they say, size does matter…

Authorised Collection
I’m looking after a house across the road while it’s occupants are away on holiday and this basically entails collecting the post and letting the rabbit out. However, while I’m there I usually borrow a couple of videos, make a few phone calls etc. and just abuse my position of power [laughs in an evil manner]. When the neighbours asked me to look after the house the people came round under false pretences. As a (former) Psychology student I enjoy watching people and the way they behave in certain situations. The neighbours came round with a “Congratulations” card for my exam results and it was sort of like “Well done Alex, we heard how well you did and brought this for you. Oh, and while we’re here…” I just found it funny how they came round pretending to give me a card when really they only came to ask me to look after their house. If people were just frank about things life would be so much easier.

Video killed the Radio Star
I feel like I should write something really profound, like a general observation on life or something, but nothing springs to mind right now so I’ll talk about football instead. Man Utd have sold their star defender Jaap Stam to Lazio for £16.5m. I was shocked at this because he’s easily their best defender and without him they’re just not as solid. I understand that me made an “error of judgement” when he wrote what he did in his autobiography but to sell him because of it just seems over the top. Even though they’re talking about replacing him with Roberto Ayala or Laurent Blanc, neither of them is in the same class as Stam. If only they’d got Sol Campbell things might not be too bad. Anyway, somehow they’ll get through it but they won’t win the European Cup and it’ll be hard to win the league. Maybe this is all some sort of football-nightmare and none of it has really happened. The next thing that’ll happen in the crazy world of football is Bolton will top the Premiership with Everton in second… (yeah right)

Quote of the Day
There are 2 kinds of problems in my life. The political ones are insoluble and the economic ones are incomprehensible.” – Alec Douglas Home

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Nationalism in the Contemporary World
I don’t have a great deal to say today but I’ll try and keep you entertained. Since the A-level results my life has basically consisted of work and consuming copious amounts of alcohol – a great combination. Let’s just say I went to a birthday party with an “open” bar and regretted it at work the next day. So, for those of you that work in retail like myself (or for matter, those of you that just “work” full stop) here is a little “Prayer for the Stressed” I came across that conveys how much we all really like our jobs and, in particular, dealing with the public. The last one is my favourite. Enjoy:

Prayer for the Stressed
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they annoyed me.

Also, help me to be careful of toes I have stepped on today as they may be connected to the ass I have to kiss tomorrow.

Help me always give 100% at work… 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday and 5% on Friday.

And help me remember that when I’m having a really bad day, and it seems that people are trying to annoy me, that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to f**k off.

The Heat is On
So, the rest of this week should be work filled, and then I’ve got Bank Holiday Monday to look forward to. Doubly pay, wahey! So it means I’ll go up from 1p an hour to 2p an hour (slight exaggeration). And then next week I may be going away with my parents to stay in our Uncle’s caravan. However, I’m looking after our neighbour’s house at the moment while they’re on holiday so if I go there won’t be anyone to feed the rabbit or anything. It’s a hard life. Important decisions like this just seem to crop up all the time. To go or not to go? That is the question.

Teenage Dirtbag
I’ve been reading a satirical book on the British and American Politics in the 20th century (in preparation for my degree course, don’t think this is my usual bed-time reading) and it featured some funny (and some not-so-funny quotes) so I thought the ones that tickled my fancy I might post here. I’m not going to deluge you all with them, just one at a time. Today’s I thought was quite funny, especially in light of good ol’ George Dubya Bush and the Florida debacle.

Quote of the Day
98% of the people in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy 2% that get all the publicity. But then – we elected them.” – Lily Tomlin

Designed for Life
And although I've thanked him privately here is a big public thankyou to Mr. Mike Dale for persevering to work on my blog and make it as good as it can possibly be. As you all can see, he (unlike me) knows what he's doing. You can all say thankyou by visiting his blog here.

Saturday, August 18, 2001

Designed for life

For the 3rd time in it's life this blog has had a bout of cosmetic surgery - courtesy of me, the one and only Michael Dale. It's half a reward for Al's fantastic results and half because I messed up the last template with my continued tinkering. Anyway, it's influenced by two major interests of my life at the momment, Dawson's Creek (the title font) and Yoshi's Island (the various little sprite images). Ok, so this is Al's blog and not mine, but hey he gives me creative freedom to do what I please.

I know it's not exactly mind-blowing or revolutionary but I like it a lot, for the next few weeks at least. Over complication of template design is the route of all evil on the internet, so I tried to keep clutter down to a minimum. Well, that's just about all I have to say other than I hope all of Al's loyal readers, and the man himself, like it and enjoy!

Friday, August 17, 2001

Good news, Bad news, Darn Ugly news
Ah, yesterday was A-level results day. I was pretty nervous on my way to college but things turned out okay:

English Language - A
Psychology - A
Politics - B
General Studies - A

Okay, so the good news was I got 3 A’s and a B and I only needed an A and 2 B’s. What’s also good is that I could have got into Oxford or Cambridge with those grades but it’s too late now. The bad news is that I only got a B in Politics and as everyone in the whole world keeps reminding me, I’m doing a Politics degree. They say it like it’s some sort of startling revelation: “You got a B in Politics? But aren’t you doing that at degree?” [sighs] Well done. Observation skills = 10/10.

White Hating Coon
You see, I’m pretty pleased overall with my grades but what annoys me about the Politics result is not that I got a B and I’m doing it at degree. No. What annoys me is that throughout the 2 year Politics course we were led to believe that you only needed 60-65% for an A. I got 76% (I know this because it was a modular subject). So based on this I assumed a mistake had been and I had actually got an A. Wrong. The (incredibly stupid) examining body obviously decided to up the grade boundaries so that you actually needed 80% for an A instead of the aforementioned 65%.

Jay and Silent Bob
Let me put it this way: if someone had said to me before I took the Politics exams I’d get 76% in them, I would have snapped their hand off. I’m really pleased to have done so well, I’m just really disappointed that it was only a B. It sounds like I’m complaining that I “only” got a B (which I am) but many people would be happy with that so I am grateful that I did so well.

Pot Luck
General Studies. Quite possibly the stupidest subject ever. Reading through previous blog entries I found General Studies very hard and, to be quite frank, on the 3 essays I wrote I was pretty much making it up. Not in the “I know enough about this to blag my way through” making it up but I was making it up in the “oh shit, I have no clue what the question is asking” making it up. The multiple choice questions were ridiculously hard and I just guessed them. What makes General Studies even more of a stupid subject is that I got an A in it. I’m really pleased with this, don’t get me wrong, but the fact I got an A when I was bullshitting my way through it suggests one of a number of things to me:

1. Exams really are getting easier, just like the critics (old people) are suggesting
2. I’m incredibly clever and my brain took over during the exam, thus letting me think about wrestling
3. I was incredibly lucky and watching all that wrestling has had a positive effect on me
4. Blame it on the boogie

Hmmm, it’s a tough one but probably a combination of all of them (except number 4, do you see?). I feel that the education system is in real disarray if I can get an A in General Studies and I was making it all up. It’s basically just an exam that tests your luck. Which is pretty poor. When I’m Prime Minister, I’m going to replace the compulsory General Studies exam with a compulsory Wrestling exam. That should sort the men out from the boys and is a much better test of all-round academic excellence don’t you think?

Best of the Rest
To get an A in Psychology was sort of expected by my teachers and is especially gratifying after all of the work I put into it. The exams were hard but I obviously did well enough on the essays that had good questions as opposed to the essays that had bad questions (i.e. the ones the teachers had taught us as opposed to the ones they hadn’t). I was impressed with my English results, in light of the fact that I did very little work for it. Basically my writing skills are unmatched this side of my couch and the exam result just emphasises this point.

To Be or not To Be?
So overall I’m relatively happy but I’m not “oh my god, this is the best day of my life” ecstatic. Did I do well because of my incredible good looks, tanned athletic body and natural intellectual ability (the third of these applies, the other 2 are just work in progress) or was it because of my incessant commitment to the rigours of studying and sacrificing everything else in the pursuit of academic achievement? Hmmm, another tough one to call but it’s a combination of hard work and natural ability this time round. I couldn’t have got what I got on ability alone but then again I wouldn’t have done so well on just hard work and dedication. What can I say? (Everyone is gay?) My mum was pleased - it was her birthday yesterday as well, an added dose of pre-exam pressure – and I did better than my friend who got into Oxford (haha) so I don’t have anything to be down about.

The Sympathy Vote
Perhaps the worst thing about getting you’re A-level results is seeing the reactions of other people. On a serious note it was quite a strange experience to see people who are usually timid laughing and joking, and then people who are usually the centre of attention going quiet in the corner. It was like a mixed bag. On the one hand you had the people who had got what they wanted and were really happy… and then you had those who hadn’t got what they wanted and were devastated. One person said A-level results day is “the most important day of our life so far, the next 3 years of our lives will be decided on the events of today and it seems unfair that some will succeed where others fail”. Actually that person was me. Yesterday probably wasthe most important day of my life and has decided where I go for the next 3 years. What annoys me about life is that, in English for example, I hardly did any work for it and got an A whereas one person in my class worked their arse off and only got a D (they were pleased with that though so it’s not all bad). Why should I be better rewarded for not working hard where others are not rewarded even though they made the effort?

It’s a messed up world but that’s just the way it is.

It ain’t over till it’s over
I’m just glad it’s all over now. I feel really sorry for those people that didn’t get what they wanted and/or needed because I bet everyone worked hard no matter what they say and feel that things are just unfair. They are. And there’s not a damn thing anyone of us mere mortals can do about it.

The End of the world as We know it
I’m sorry about the sombre and serious end to this post but it just had to be said. If you’ve ever been through exam results then you can probably relate to what I’ve said. It’s just one of those things in life that we all go through at some stage. To change subject somewhat, the blog template is undergoing revision and the current (horrible) blue colour scheme will soon be changed.

So that’s it. Send any congratulatory e-cards to the usual address and I’m making a toast to the future. Wherever it may take it us.

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

1 day and counting...
Tomorrow's the big day, wish me luck everyone.

Today is the birthday of quite possibly the most annoying person in the whole world, my darling little sister Francesca who has reached the grand old age of 10. Happy Birthday babe.

Monday, August 13, 2001

3 Days and counting…
Here we are again and we’re now only 72 hours away from the release of the A-level results. Don’t fret however as an article in today’s Daily Express says that this year’s results will be the best ever, a trend that has been going on for 20 years. Of course, some people (e.g. my parents) say it’s just because they’re getting easier but I just like to think we’re a much more educated and literate generation. What with WWF, MTV, The Simpsons etc. we can’t fail to be intelligent!

Since nothing has happened to me recently for a change except recovering from being ill and going to work I’ve decided to give you a few links to some sites on the web. I haven’t exactly searched long and hard for these, it’s just a few random sites. Anyways: - WWF play-by-play announcer and senior VP for talent relations runs down all the latest happenings in his weekly “Ross Report” – a great site for keeping up on all the latest WWF news and rumours – the IGN team have put together their top 25 DVDs, check it out – bored on the net? Check out some of the links on here – if you want to find out the exact date you’re going to die, go here – tons of personality tests

I may post some more during the week if demand is high enough (LOL). Anyway, wish me luck for Thursday everyone.
3 Days and counting…
Here we are again and we’re now only 72 hours away from the release of the A-level results. Don’t fret however as an article in today’s Daily Express says that this year’s results will be the best ever, a trend that has been going on for 20 years. Of course, some people (e.g. my parents) say it’s just because they’re getting easier but I just like to think we’re a much more educated and literate generation. What with WWF, MTV, The Simpsons etc. we can’t fail to be intelligent!

Since nothing has happened to me recently for a change except recovering from being ill and going to work I’ve decided to give you a few links to some sites on the web. I haven’t exactly searched long and hard for these, it’s just a few random sites. Anyways: - WWF play-by-play announcer and senior VP for talent relations runs down all the latest happenings in his weekly “Ross Report” – a great site for keeping up on all the latest WWF news and rumours – the IGN team have put together their top 25 DVDs, check it out – bored on the net? Check out some of the links on here – if you want to find out the exact date you’re going to die, go here – tons of personality tests

I may post some more during the week if demand is high enough (LOL). Anyway, wish me luck for Thursday everyone.

Friday, August 10, 2001

6 Days and counting…
The past few days I’ve been in some pain with an extreme case of tonsillitis and some swollen glands. It was so painful that I hardly ate or drank anything over the last 24 hours. However, after a visit to the doctors and some antibiotics later and I’m feeling not too bad now but my throat is still pretty sore. Please send any “Get Well Soon” cards to my e-mail address.

Despite my illness I’m soldiering on and will go to work tomorrow. I missed it on Thursday morning but they didn’t seem to be that bothered by it. I’d already done a couple of other days as well so it’s not like I missed out on much. Oh yeah, the new girl that started last week, I promised I’d give you the low-down on her. She’s called Ann-Marie (likes to be called Anna though) and is 16 but she looks a lot older. Her most striking feature is her height – she’s a giant, at least 6” (well, it’s big for a girl anyway!) I’m not exactly a behemoth myself at 5”7 but the height thing doesn’t bother me. I know some people who feel intimidated by taller women but for me it’s not that big a deal. She seems quite nice if not a little timid and I’m sure she, like the rest of us, will love to loathe “the company” we work for. Amen.

Cotton Eye Joe
Tomorrow night (health permitting) I should be going to my sister-in-law’s mother’s Ruby Wedding Anniversary. They’re having a barn-dance at their church so that should be a good laugh. There’s probably nothing interesting on TV anyway. I just hope I don’t end up dancing with some old women.

The Promised Land
With the release of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within today I have strangely started playing FFVII from the beginning. I don’t know why, I just felt like it. There goes the rest of my summer…

Monday, August 06, 2001

Here With Me
Welcome back to “The Secret World of an Average Guy” – my blog where nothing happens. This week I’m working 3 days and therefore don’t have any real plans. Next week I’ve got my little sister’s 10th birthday and then the following day is my mum’s birthday (she’ll kill me if I tell you all how old she is) which incidentally is the same day my A-level results come out. If you want pressure then that’s it on a platter, especially when you’ve already found the “CONGRATULATIONS” balloons.

Pennyroyal Coffee
So now that the waiting is almost over I will then find out where I’ll be spending the next 3 years of my academic life. I guess I’m not that nervous about results day, I don’t think I’ll be losing any sleep over it, but there’s still just something gnawing away at the back of my mind. I doubt I’ll have failed miserably but then again I don’t know if I’ll be getting straight A’s. Only time will tell I suppose.

Just like in every American teen-sitcom and movie my college is soon to have its annual “prom” for the leaving year. As the leader of the student council I helped arrange it all and sell tickets for it. (And you know what, I even paid full price for a ticket!) Anyways, instead of looking for a tuxedo and deciding what colour limousine I want to arrive in instead I am going to sell my ticket to a friend. The thing is, I actually really want to go and the reason I’m not going is that none of my friends are going. This means if I did go I’d end up sitting on a table with people who I only half-know and didn’t spend much of my 2 years at college with. So there you have it, a once in a lifetime opportunity gone like sand in the wind of time (or something like that).

Friday, August 03, 2001

Blog Speak
Don’t fret, the design of the blog is just under-going some minor changes while my loyal webmaster goes about trying to get he archives up. Once everything is sorted things will go back to the way they were.

Things will Never Be the Same
I’m afraid there really isn’t much to say again folks. You see, I’ve been spending most of my time at home relaxing and generally just doing nothing. When the weather is good (which it has been recently except for today and yesterday) I usually spend a couple of hours a day sat in the garden sunbathing and I find this very relaxing. I did go to town yesterday though and bought a couple of DVDs. I got “The Terminator: Special Edition” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”.

I’ll Be Back
The Terminator is one of my favourite movies and I first watched it when I was 4. Yep, that’s right – 4. (I can’t remember whether I’ve told you this story before). My older brother rented it on video and for some reason I decided to sit down and watch it with him. It didn’t scare me, in fact it thrilled me and I’ve been a huge fan of the film ever since. Weird eh? Anyway, I just love this film and HAD to get it on DVD.

Green Destiny
I hadn’t seen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon before but as a self-confessed fan of martial arts I really wanted to see it. The fights scenes in here are choreographed by the same guy who did the fight scenes for The Matrix so that gives you an idea of what expectations it had to live upto. The story is sort of a martial arts version of Sense and Sensibility (an oxymoron if ever I heard one) and is actually in Mandarin Chinese (though you can listen to the dubbed English version on the DVD). The fight scenes are just phenomenal with the wire-work used making it look as if the actors can really fly. However, like The Matrix, there just aren’t enough of them. But aside from that this is a very good film and if you haven’t seen it then I recommend it.

Donna Karan
That’s it really. Sorry I don’t have more to say but my life has been pretty boring recently. A new girl starts at work tomorrow so I’ll be checking her out but apart from that my weekend is just work, work, work. No rest for the wicked.