Saturday, May 26, 2001

General ParanoiaI’ve had my first 2 exams today and yesterday, both of them were General Studies. For those of you that don’t know, (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…) General Studies is a cross between your pub quiz and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Except the questions are usually pretty hard and on ridiculous subjects. For instance, there was a section on today’s paper entitled “Spatial and Mechanical Relations”. All the questions were about weather, anti-cyclones and depression. Well I’ll tell you now, did I not like that.

Star of Wonder
I guess since I don’t need General Studies for any of my universities then it doesn’t matter but it still grates at me that it was so damn hard. Fortunately I wasn’t alone in thinking this as the ritual post-exam analysis revealed that all of my contemporaries found it damn hard as well.

David, it’s over to you…
I was there writing a short answer question on Britain’s education system saying how pointless it was to be constantly doing meaningless exams. I wonder if the irony of that will be lost on the examiner? Anyway, it’s done now. So long sucker!

Sunday, May 20, 2001

Restaurant at the end of the Universe (Chip-A-Hoy?)
Respected author Douglas Adams, famous for writing the “Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy” trilogy of books (in 5 parts), recently died. He was apparently working on the next edition of the “trilogy” and a feature film. His wit and humour will be sadly missed. Rest in peace.

There’s only one Alex Ferguson
It seems Manchester United manager will be leaving the club in some rather acrimonious circumstances next season. After being offered an ambassadorial role for the club it now seems he will sever all links with United and may even manage another Premier League side. Perish the thought. I just fear when he does go all of United’s best players will leave as well – Keane, Beckham and of course, who can forget Andy Cole.

The Breakneck Brown
I got some really bad news yesterday. Remember I told you about getting double pay on Sundays? Well, guess what. Yep, you guessed it - it wasn't true. The deputy manager of our store read the new wage regulations wrong and it turns out you only get time and a half on a Sunday if you work more than 40 hours in a week. And I'm only contracted to do 7 hours a week... I still get double pay on Bank Holidays though. At first I was really annoyed about it but on reflection I'm really not that surprised. The company almost went bust, had to close 20 stores and then suddenly they're paying double on a Sunday. Either the new boss was completely naïve and stupid or it wasn’t true. I sure wish he was naïve and stupid. Oh well, life goes on.

Garden Parté ( that’s pronounced [par-té] )
I've finally finished college! Wahey! Today I watched Die Hard 2 in the morning and then just spent the afternoon chilling out in the garden doing some revision. I've got General Studies on Wednesday and Thursday but since I can't really prepare for them I'm not too stressed about my exams at the mo. I think I'll pretty much be staying in the house almost exclusively over the next 5 or 6 weeks except for work and exams so I can get some serious hard work done. Although my parents are going away over half term and leaving me with my older sister (cue wild parties!) I'll probably just stay at home all week to revise. Boring or what?

Wish me luck everyone. Oh, and respect to Mikey D for not only mentioning D’lo Brown in his blog but actually getting a picture of him up. Now that’s what I call “the real deal”!

Monday, May 14, 2001

Blogger = Poo
I would have posted a blog much earlier than this one but unfortunately Blogger has been playing up so those of you with withdrawl symptoms can e-mail your complaints to Blogger.

The USA is clearly a very important nation - economically, politically, socially and culturally. Its influence can be seen all across the world and in particular here in good old Blighty. Whether it be this year’s fashions, the latest clean-cut boy band or Hollywood’s most recent blockbuster America has a huge impact on what’s hot and what’s not in Britain.

I remember seeing in the paper a couple of months ago an article about some famous American girl moaning about the poor quality of British men. She said that in America all the guys there are “athletic and tanned”. Well I don’t know if its coincidence or whether I’m just imagining it but it seems like all the guys at my college and men in general appear to have done something about this.

D’lo Brown
All of a sudden everyone seems to have developed a tan and bulging biceps overnight. However, the tans we’re talking about are clearly not natural and are in fact the result of going on a sunbed. This results in more orange skin than the stereotypical “golden brown” look we’re more sensitised to. It doesn’t look that good and let’s face it, going on sunbeds can’t be doing your skin much good. Apparently, going on a sunbed for 10 minutes is like being in the Sun all day and you’re only supposed to have 10 sessions on a sunbed all year – I know people who go every day. Skin cancer is a serious risk and I know a girl who got skin cancer after having only a couple of sessions on a sunbed. Fortunately it was caught early and she had an operation that cured her completely. The scary thing about that story is she’s only a year younger than I am – 17.

Mr. Muscle
Next we come to what I like to affectionately call the “tight t-shirt brigade”. These are the guys that wear T-shirts that are obviously a size too small just so they can show off their muscles. To be honest, I don’t have a problem with guys working out, in fact I openly advocate it. Building muscle is healthy and does wonders for your metabolism. However, taking steroids is a complete no-no in my book and the jury is still out on supplements like Creatine. But what I really hate is the way some people dress just so they can show off their deltoids, abs and triceps. It just shows that they’re really vain and only do it to say to others “hey look everyone, I work out”.

Both of these things seem to have happened to lots of people I know at college and people I don’t know walking down the street. I guess in a way I’m jealous because I would love a tan (but not a sunbed induced one) and I’d love to have the physique of famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Brian Thompson. So really what I’m trying to say is that I feel America has influenced all of these people that just conform to more stereotypes. And although in many people’s eyes its probably considered a good thing to look the way I’ve been trying to describe, in some people’s eyes there really is nothing wrong with looking “normal”. But how do you define normal?

For the thousands in attendance, for the millions watching at home…
Phew, I’m glad that’s off my chest. I probably could have said it much shorter but it just came out like that. Sorry if I sounded like I was moaning again. It’s the FA Cup final today and due to some good luck I’m not working today. Liverpool beat Arsenal 2-1 but to be honest I felt sorry for Arsenal as they were the better team and probably deserved to win. I just dread seeing all my Liverpool-supporting friends gloating over their victory when I go back to college.

Quote of the Week
A friend of mine at college came up with this little gem whilst on the subject of laziness. This is an absolute classic:

You don’t appreciate doing nothing until you’ve got something to do” – Little Pete

Anyways, my nice long update today is finally over. I hope its given you all something enlightening to think about. Or at least cured your insomnia.

Saturday, May 12, 2001

The USA is clearly a very important nation - economically, politically, socially and culturally. Its influence can be seen all across the world and in particular here in good old Blighty. Whether it be this year’s fashions, the latest clean-cut boy band or Hollywood’s most recent blockbuster America has a huge impact on what’s hot and what’s not in Britain.

I remember seeing in the paper a couple of months ago an article about some famous American girl moaning about the poor quality of British men. She said that in America all the guys there are “athletic and tanned”. Well I don’t know if its coincidence or whether I’m just imagining it but it seems like all the guys at my college and men in general appear to have done something about this.

D’lo Brown
All of a sudden everyone seems to have developed a tan and bulging biceps overnight. However, the tans we’re talking about are clearly not natural and are in fact the result of going on a sunbed. This results in more orange skin than the stereotypical “golden brown” look we’re more sensitised to. It doesn’t look that good and let’s face it, going on sunbeds can’t be doing your skin much good. Apparently, going on a sunbed for 10 minutes is like being in the Sun all day and you’re only supposed to have 10 sessions on a sunbed all year – I know people who go every day. Skin cancer is a serious risk and I know a girl who got skin cancer after having only a couple of sessions on a sunbed. Fortunately it was caught early and she had an operation that cured her completely. The scary thing about that story is she’s only a year younger than I am – 17.

Mr. Muscle
Next we come to what I like to affectionately call the “tight t-shirt brigade”. These are the guys that wear T-shirts that are obviously a size too small just so they can show off their muscles. To be honest, I don’t have a problem with guys working out, in fact I openly advocate it. Building muscle is healthy and does wonders for your metabolism. However, taking steroids is a complete no-no in my book and the jury is still out on supplements like Creatine. But what I really hate is the way some people dress just so they can show off their deltoids, abs and triceps. It just shows that they’re really vain and only do it to say to others “hey look everyone, I work out”.

Both of these things seem to have happened to lots of people I know at college and people I don’t know walking down the street. I guess in a way I’m jealous because I would love a tan (but not a sunbed induced one) and I’d love to have the physique of famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Brian Thompson. So really what I’m trying to say is that I feel America has influenced all of these people that just conform to more stereotypes. And although in many people’s eyes its probably considered a good thing to look the way I’ve been trying to describe, in some people’s eyes there really is nothing wrong with looking “normal”. But how do you define normal?

For the thousands in attendance, for the millions watching at home…
Phew, I’m glad that’s off my chest. I probably could have said it much shorter but it just came out like that. Sorry if I sounded like I was moaning again. It’s the FA Cup final today and due to some good luck I’m not working today. Liverpool beat Arsenal 2-1 but to be honest I felt sorry for Arsenal as they were the better team and probably deserved to win. I just dread seeing all my Liverpool-supporting friends gloating over their victory when I go back to college.

Quote of the Week
A friend of mine at college came up with this little gem whilst on the subject of laziness. This is an absolute classic:

You don’t appreciate doing nothing until you’ve got something to do” – Little Pete

Anyways, my nice long update today is finally over. I hope its given you all something enlightening to think about. Or at least cured your insomnia.

Sunday, May 06, 2001

Double Trouble
It looks all my moaning about my crappy wages have been taken notice of by someone as I was told yesterday that starting in a couple of weeks I’ll be getting paid double time on Bank Holidays and Sundays. So once I’m 18 in a few weeks and my wage goes up I’ll be on £6.40 an hour on Sundays. If only I wasn’t leaving in a few months…

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

I’m bored and I have nothing to say but you’re going to have to put up with me. I got sent some forms today that I have to fill in about how much my parents earn. From this, the Government can then decide how much money I should get towards University. Of course, if Labour hadn’t introduced tuition fees this would all be an academic matter but the fact is they did and all this unneeded bureaucracy is therefore necessary. Gee, thanks Tony.

You used to think you owned the street
I’m planning to go on a huge spending spree once my exams are over. I really need to overhaul my existing wardrobe (God, I sound like a woman) as I haven’t really got any new clothes in a good 18 months. It’s not like I’m really scruffy or anything, I’ve got a few bits and pieces here and there but most of my clothes now are getting too small and worn out. So it’s time for a change.

Whilst on the subject of Uni I’ve been thinking about what to take with me. I will definitely take my stereo as I can’t live without for music and I’ll almost certainly take my trusty PlayStation however the only problem with that is the TV. You see, technically my room will be classified as an individual address and therefore I’ll be eligible to pay for a TV license. I think it’s about £109 a year, which is a lot really. From what friends have told me many people manage to get away without having a license but since I’m such a good law-abiding citizen I’m not sure if I could take the risk. Well, it’s something to think about anyway.